
Cold Noodles

A delicious bowl of cold noodles that requires minimal cooking and it’s great in hot weather for a refreshing taste! We had a heatwave in the middle of April with temperature as high as 28 degrees Celcius. It felt like summer in early spring. This type of weather makes me a very lazy cook. There is nothing worse than standing around stove sweating while cooking….

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Homemade Easy Caramel sauce

As I’m getting more into baking and candy making, I realized that I want easy and simple to follow recipes that I can create. This caramel sauce is one of the easiest sauce I’ve made so far. However, you have to be patient like I mentioned in my Vietnamese baguette post. I’ve been baking on and off for a few years I’ve noticed how little…

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Vietnamese Baguettes

I always loved baking and that amplified during the pandemic. One of the first recipe I made for this blog was baguettes, specifically Vietnamese baguettes. Before I attempted to make the baguettes, I needed to do a bit of research. While most bread requires flour, water, salt, yeast and sugar there are specific methods of working the dough and baking that makes each bread different….

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Easy Vietnamese pickles (Đồ Chua)

Welcome to my first post on my blog! I thought I should start off with something easy. I’ve recently moved into our new home and I’m excited to start cooking again. For the past 6 months we have been living at our respective parents’ place so we haven’t got the itch to cook for ourselves because we got home cooked food everyday courtesy of our…

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